Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Dearth of seriously good reading material!

Netizens may be claiming control of the Web, but that still hasn't solved a problem that I continue to face: finding really well-written, interesting material to read. The regular newspaper features are okay, but I can't remember the last time I came across something that really impressed me.

I'm not fussy about what I read, as long as it is gripping. And that's difficult to find these days. Besides, when you're working full time and managing a family as well, it's impossible to endlessly surf the Web to find something worth reading.

I'm ready to put up links to things that I find really worth reading - not to worry, I don't see myself flooding the blog any time soon. But if we could all put up links to stories we find worth reading, that would be great.

Hope to see some links here soon. Cheers...


Dev said...

Hi Suma,
Well... I don't know. I follow a few blogs religiously, and I believe they're as good as, if not better, than anything written before the blogging era. Look at Riverbend, for instance (www.riverbendblog.blogspot.com), a girl from Baghdad blogging about the war on her country. The issues she talks about, and her skill, leave you with a lump in your throat. She is now a refugee in Syria. Incidentally, someone discovered her blog and published it as a book called 'Baghdad Burning' which won a literary prize.
There are several blogs that I follow that are extremely well written and perceptive. I also know of an avid traveller from Singapore who got to become a writer for National Geographic because she ran into a photographer in India and he checked out her blog!
Also check out this one: http://ginmar.livejournal.com
a woman soldier blogging about a war.
I think blogging has 'democratised' publishing. It's hard to quantify where there are better writers now (in terms of numbers), but I think there is a greater diversity of topics being written about.

Wannabe Baker said...

Hi Dev,
Thanks a ton for these links. Like I said, my schedule doesn't give me time to trawl for stuff online. And I am seriously grateful for tips like this. Saves me a lot of time. Do let me know if you come across other interesting stuff too.
I agree that blogging has democratised publishing - best thing to have happened to writing since Gutenberg, I'd say. The diversity of topics is also quite fascinating.